About Us

The hosts behind the podcast, blending craft beer and camaraderie, are Tori and Joanne — two beer besties creating a safe, inclusive space with vibrant views on beer and the community it inspires.

Scroll down to learn more about them!

Born and brewed on the East Coast of the U.S., Tori’s beer journey began with adjunct heavy ales and seasonal Sam Adams. But with few local taprooms at the time, her nerdier curiosities—and opportunities for shared social circles—remained untapped. That changed in 2013 with a move to the UK, where a world of traditional and historical styles opened up—and so did her passion for the local beer scene. While her curiosity flourished, her deeper knowledge was still brewing.

In 2020, the pandemic sparked a digital deep dive into beer nerd-dom, cracking open a thirst for education and unlocking a thriving online community. That community introduced her to far-flung breweries, invaluable resources, beer podcasts, and—most importantly—Joanne, setting the stage for their collaborative creation: A Woman’s Brew.

Over the past 4.5 years, Tori has made her mark on the UK craft beer scene—even if it’s just a small ripple in a MUCH bigger pond. As a proud member of The British Guild of Beer Writers, she has championed meaningful change through her blog & Instagram in addition to the podcast, proving that passion and knowledge can thrive even without formal training. From inspiring a brewery to offer women’s fit t-shirts to encouraging others to adopt a code of conduct and brew a Brave Noise beer, Tori’s enthusiasm shines through.

Her Adventures in Hoptimism don’t stop there. She hosted a panel at Double-Barrelled Brewery for the 2024 International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day (IWCBD) and has volunteered at countless beer festivals for amazing breweries near and far. When she’s not talking beer, you’ll find her geeking out over gaming, anime, brick building, travel, or all things Japan—just to name a few of her interests. 

If you spot her behind the bar at a festival, don’t be shy—stop and say hi!

Joanne Love (Love Beer Learning)

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Joanne Love is a Certified Cicerone, beer educator, and the passionate cohost of A Woman’s Brew podcast. Her journey into craft beer began in 2008 when she was handed a Sam Adams Boston Lager and realized that beer could be so much more than just yellow, fizzy, and tasteless. From that moment, she set out to explore every style she could get her hands on, eventually turning her passion into a mission to make beer more accessible to everyone. As Love Beer Learning on socials, she helps beer lovers build confidence in their tasting skills, find beers they love, and feel empowered in the beer community. By day, she works in the hop industry, supporting breweries and sharing her knowledge with brewers and beer enthusiasts alike.

Beyond beer, Joanne is an advocate for diversity and inclusion, ensuring that the beer world is welcoming for everyone. She has spoken at events like The Festival of Beer, the Women in Beer festival, and The International Podcast Show, and has brewed with some of the UK’s most exciting breweries. When she’s not drinking or talking about beer, you’ll find her journaling, reading, or embracing cozy hobbies—often with a perfectly paired beer in hand. Whether you’re on a mission to try all the beers, improve your tasting skills, or just want some great beer recommendations, Joanne is here to guide you on your journey!